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You will receive piano practice game handbook!
First of all...
What is Cantabile ???
Cantabile is an Italian word that means play "in a singing manner"
My First Piano Book
will be a perfect companion for your piano lessons and practices!
Available at!

This book should be the great introduction for getting to know the piano and music for the little ones!
What is the right movement for piano playing ?
People wiggles fingers like typing keyboard, but that is not the right movement.
The right movement is grasping.
Do you have a pen or pencil near you?
Can you pick up the pen with one hand?
Take a look your hand? Don’t do it in a funny way or weird way.
Do this normal way. Let’s do one more time.
This time aware of the sensation of your hand movement, how your fingers moves to grasp the pen.
That is the right way of playing the piano.
I am sure your hand is not tight, more relaxed.
Sometime people show me the piano hand shaping too tight.
Like monster. It should be smaller.
Can you make your hand like “dead bug”?
That’s the hand shape for piano playing.😽😽😽